Allergic to Spring


Spring has arrived and what a wonderful time of year this is. Well not if you’re one of those unfortunate people who suffer from hayfever. In fact, if you suffer from any allergy-linked problems such as eczema, asthma, dermatitis, itchy eyes, chronic nasal congestion or catarrh you probably find your symptoms are worse at this … Read more

Pain? DMSO to the rescue.

DMSO for arthritis

Who would have thought that a by-product of paper-making that comes from a substance in wood and has been used as an industrial solvent since the mid 1800s could possible have any benefit to humans?From about mid 1900s researchers have explored the use of DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) as an anti-inflammatory agent, revealing what an exceptionally … Read more

Lion’s Mane: The Memory Mushroom

lion's mane mushroom

Keep your mind sharp by doing something mentally stimulating every day they say. However, although doing a crossword puzzle may help for some, not everyone will be that fortunate. A third of people age 85 or older develop Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This condition is characterized by the death of neurons in the forebrain, hippocampus, and … Read more

Reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease


Reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease It is estimated that a third of people age 85 or older develop Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This condition is characterized by the death of neurons in the forebrain, hippocampus, and cerebral cortex, causing a loss of neuroplasticity. Are there factors that we can control that could be helpful in … Read more

Osteoporosis – the silent disease

postmenopausal women on beach

Why silent? Well, usually there aren’t any outward symptoms that your bones are slowly getting weaker until one day, SNAP! You break a bone. I’m not normally one for statistics but the following facts did cause me to sit up and take notice: • Should someone with osteoporosis break a hip there’s a 30-40% chance … Read more

Treating hypertension the natural way

measuring blood pressure

There’s a good reason why hypertension (high blood pressure) is called the ‘silent killer’. It’s because the most common symptom of the condition is… NO symptoms. Problems don’t often show up until potentially serious damage such as a heart attack or stroke has already happened. Of course there are medications to lower blood pressure but … Read more

Treating Depression Naturally

depreesion in young people

Did you know that a quarter of middle-aged women today are taking powerful drugs to remedy symptoms that typically fall under a diagnosis of clinical depression: persistent distress, malaise, anxiety, inner agitation, fatigue, low libido, poor memory, irritability, insomnia, sense of hopelessness, and feeling emotionally flat, overwhelmed, and trapped. Every year, billions of prescriptions for … Read more

End Sleepless Nights Naturally

end sleepless nights naturally

Insomnia is a surprisingly common sleep disorder  that makes it hard to fall asleep, stay asleep and get enough restful slumber.   Nearly 50% of older adults suffer from insomnia. Millions of people of all ages lose sleep due to stress and anxiety.  Insufficient sleep can contribute to memory issues, sadness, anger, depression, weight gain, anxiety, … Read more

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease – the new pandemic?

non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Did you know that a teetotaller can also get liver disease? May not sound fair, yet it’s true. You don’t have to be an alcoholic to be diagnosed with fatty liver disease. And, believe it or not, it’s actually quite common these days, affecting 20-40% of the Western world’s population. What is fatty liver disease? … Read more

Liposomal Vitamin C – does it live up to the hype?

liposomal vitamin C

It has been undisputedly demonstrated over time that vitamin C is one of the most well-established and powerful immune boosting, anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-aging and detoxing nutrients known to man. Given our current COVID-19 reality, getting enough of this powerhouse of immunity is deemed essential by most experts. Our bodies can’t make it and since virtually … Read more