Who would have thought that a by-product of paper-making that comes from a substance in wood and has been used as an industrial solvent since the mid 1800s could possible have any benefit to humans?From about mid 1900s researchers have explored the use of DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) as an anti-inflammatory agent, revealing what an exceptionally versatile therapy it is. For starters, it’s one of the few compounds that can be administered orally, topically, and through injection of both the vein and the muscle. The results of thousands of studies attesting to its health-promoting properties strongly support the view that DMSO is a truly significant therapeutic anti-inflammatory that holds promise in managing a wide range of debilitating conditions.
So if it’s so great why is it so unknown?
Well its 100% natural so of course the conventional medical practitioners have been taught that it is an “unproven” and “quackish” remedy, to be avoided. Secondly it works, its inexpensive and it can’t be patented. Need I say more?
Thankfully the best kept secret got out and DMSO is now proudly and confidently prescribed by natural health practitioners far and wide.
So what is so great about DMSO?
Well I can’t think of much that DMSO won’t fix. Here are just a few benefits that can be derived by simply using it topically:
Arthritis – With its ability to penetrate tissues, DMSO shows value in reducing pain and inflammation in osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and possibly even gout. Pain relief is reported to be almost immediate, lasting up to 6 hours.
Strains and sprains – DMSO provides rapid elimination of pain and increased mobility when used topically. It passes through the skin’s oily membranes and reduces swelling and inflammation within an hour.
Wound Healing – DMSO can accelerate wound healing by increasing blood flow and promoting the repair of damaged tissue.
Quicker recovery from shingles, insect bites, minor cuts and burns.
Stops cold sores if caught on the first day.
Sciatica – DMSO combined with Arnica can give fast pain relief
Muscle injuries, painful muscles and swollen joints – Athletes will love it for its ability to relieve the pain.
Chemotherapy drug extravasation injury – extravasation refers to the leakage of a drug into soft tissue. When this occurs with chemotherapy drugs the effects can be severely damaging. Applying DMSO to the injured tissue can help significantly.
Pets – DMSO can be used on cats and dogs for the same purposes as on humans, such as arthritis, herpes, bladder inflammation/cystitis (apply topically to the bottom of the abdomen over top of bladder).
How to use DMSO
Apply it directly to your skin with clean hands.
Ensure that it has soaked in properly and your skin is dry before you put on your clothes.
Immediately after application you may experience a burning/tingling sensation on the skin. It should dissipate within a minute or two.
A 70% to 90% concentration has been found to be the most effective strength across the skin. For sprained ankles higher concentrations, up to 90%, may work faster. You might want to experiment with the amount and concentration you use to see how it affects your pain.
Note: May cause garlic breath is some people but reportedly only after first few applications.
Frequency of use depends on whether your problem is acute (something that happens, gets fixed, and does not come back, like a sprained ankle) or whether it is chronic (ongoing, long-term pain, as with arthritis).
Acute conditions: For acute conditions, it is recommended that you apply it every two hours for six to eight hours immediately after the injury occurs. Following that, for the next five days or more, apply DMSO every four to six hours. Most of the benefit will come in the first three weeks.
Chronic conditions: For chronic conditions, DMSO takes longer to take effect. Although you may notice some easing of pain right away, it may take six to eight weeks, or even six months to a year in some cases, for the maximum benefit to be achieved. It depends on the person and the condition. One application a day is recommended.
NOTE: DMSO solidifies at temperatures below 17. Simply stand the glass bottle in warm water to return it to liquid form.